Whip Lash, Upper Cross Syndrome, Torticollis, Facet Joint Syndrome, Discogenic Pain Syndrome and Degeneration or Osteoarthritis are all conditions that are treated at Harris Chiropractic all part of the service for Neck Pain Treatment in Coffs Harbour.
A whiplash injury is the result of an accident where the head is thrown rapidly forward and backwards. The most common example of this is being ‘rear ended’ in a motor vehicle accident. This condition can however be caused by a sporting incident or by slipping and falling. The result is damage to the joints and muscle of the neck. Immediately after the accident the person should be assessed and rest. X-rays and other imaging maybe indicated. James the Chiropractor is trained to determine what steps are required.
Often the X-rays/CTs will show no damage but the patient will still be suffering pain and stiffness. Why? The answer is commonly that the problem is mechanical not structural. The neck looks ok but it is not moving ok! The joint and muscle function needs to be addressed and this is the job of a Chiropractor.
If a whiplash injury is not addressed and the dysfunction of the joints and muscles of the neck is not corrected then some time later (maybe 10 years) the injury will then be seen on an X-ray. The changes that will be seen are called Osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis is the deterioration of the joint. An Osteoarthritic joint has three components: loss of joint space, roughened joint surfaces and bony spurs called Osteophytes.
This picture (Osteoarthritis) often accompanies other conditions of the neck. Chiros treat Osteoarthritis and all the other conditions that are associated. Once the joints have Osteoarthritis they cannot be returned to a look normal however…Chiropractic treats joints with Osteoarthritis. By restoring movement/function, Chiropractic will often produce great results in alleviating pain.
Contact us now to start getting better today.